Separated Traffic Signals for Pedestrian
Welcome to our homepage!
Hase and his friends have given you a special choice
on how to
protect your children's life from the collisions at the intersection.
The primary function of any traffic signal is assign right-of-way
conflicting movement of traffic at an intersection.
The other hand ,it has a role to cross the street safely for the
We are greatly in need of useful tool to protect them,
especialy children crossing the street without any troubles.
This Separated Traffic Signal function is great.
While the pedestrian clossing a sreet at green light, the vihicular's
signal is red.
The drivers have to wait until the passing of pedestrian.
This is a valuable device for improving the safety
and efficiency of both pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
In particular, the signal system may reduce certain type of the
cause of the right turn and the left turn.
Traffic Controll Division of the Metropolitan Police Department
want to change old function into new one.
Because the police officers consider that the main task of signals
provide to
facilitate smooth traffic flow, not for pedestran's safety.
It is ridiculous! How do you think about unfortunate circumstances?
This homepage appeals the necessity of the signal to
protect our life from danger.
Now, let's start. You will find out the reason why the Separated
Signal's need.
The lovely guide show you all through the area.
We welcome all suggestions and input. Thank you!
SSFP [ The Society of 'Safety First for Pedstrian' ]
by Hase and his friends